Friday, July 16, 2010

Today's useful information

While I do hope everyone washes their produce before eating it, since one never knows who has been handling it in the store before you, some things need extra attention. Unless you're absolutely certain it's clean, and no chemicals have been used on it, never eat the top part of the apple where the stem is. Chemicals and pesticides collect there, and washing often will not get rid of them.

A lot of fruits and veggies really are just fine purchased from the store, but some should be organic. I'll admit I can't afford to buy all these from organic sources, but you can be sure I'll start growing them as soon as I can. This list was culled from, and more information is available here. I don't sponsor this site, and don't know anything about it other than that one list, so let the reader beware.

Top 10 Fruits and Vegetables to Purchase Organic:
  1. Peaches
  2. Apples
  3. Nectarines
  4. Strawberries (The forced red colour can be due to fungicides)
  5. Pears
  6. Sweet Bell Peppers
  7. Celery
  8. Imported Grapes (But I'm none too sure about domestic ones either)
  9. Spinach (Which is easy to grow in a yard or window box)
  10. Potatoes

I hope this list is useful.

Today's book suggestion: Stalking the Wild Asparagus by Euell Gibbons - It's a good book on basic foraging, which would be a fun and frugal family activity. Take yourself and your kids on a walk and try to forage a bit of dinner. Just remember, don't over forage, and don't take plants from by the road, because they've been contaminated with exhaust and other nasties.

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